Watching Watchmen

Posted by SternMystic in ,

"Turn the pages, Turn to stone", the whole film has been made with astounding adherence to the graphic novel. While the novel did ultimate justice to the comic realm, the movie unfortunately, was not directed, it was not screen played, it was not adapted, it was infact cloned. There is a huge difference between creating a graphic novel and adapting it to a film. The two are as different as night and day, in terms of human quotient, glorifying the characters, plot buildup and providing people impact. Watchmen failed exactly in all these aspects providing viewers a dull lacklustre sensation. Sitting in the jam-packed theater at midnight for the first showing, I found myself blaming myself for feeling detached from the movie and its characters, wondering if I was not the afficionado of this genre, as I had assumed to be. Movie making aspects were up there among the best, several scenes in the movie (prison break, alley fight) and the portrayal of some of the characters (comedian, silk spectre) were incredibly perfect. Thats exactly what this movie seems to have been - perfect. And that is precisely why, the film also turned out to be lonely and unentertaining. Hardcore fans of the novel, needless to say, should be quite satisfied, fans of Sin City, on the other hand would have been left wondering if they would ever get their 2hrs 43mins back while fans of both, such as myself, were left semi-compromised.